Kaiko's Q1 market report is now live!

  • Bitcoin

    22/04/2024 Data Debrief

    Bitcoin Halving Is Here

    Welcome to the Data Debrief!  The much-anticipated fourth Bitcoin halving went live on April 20. While BTC ended the week flat, transaction fees experienced strong volatility following the launch of Runes, a protocol for issuing fungible tokens on Bitcoin.

  • Asia

    15/04/2024 Data Debrief

    Crypto Fee War Heats Up in South Korea

    Welcome to the Data Debrief! Last week, BTC fell in tandem with risk assets amid escalating geopolitical tensions. However, it  regained ground early on Monday after Hong Kong reportedly approved spot BTC and ETH ETFs. In other news, the U.S. SEC issued a Wells notice to Uniswap Labs, and MarginFi experienced over $200 million in outflows as its founder exited.

  • Bitcoin

    08/04/2024 Data Debrief

    All Eyes on the Bitcoin Halving

    Welcome to the Data Debrief! BTC had a shaky start of the new quarter, closing last week flat before surging above $72k early Monday. In other news, DeFi protocol Ethena airdroped its ENA token, Ripple announced a stablecoin, and the Ethereum Foundation proposed to reduce ETH issuance.

  • CEX

    02/04/2024 Data Debrief

    The Impact of the KuCoin Charges

    Bitcoin dropped 5% early Tuesday as the U.S. Dollar index climbed to four month highs. Meanwhile, SBF was sentenced to 25 years, three AI protocols announced plans to merge, and the London stock exchange decided to allow applications for crypto ETNs.

  • Bitcoin

    25/03/2024 Data Debrief

    The Return of the Flash Crash

    Bitcoin closed the week in the red, slipping to $67k, amid rising GBTC outflows. In other news, Blackrock unveiled its first tokenized fund on Ethereum, Genesis reached a $21mn settlement with the SEC, and the Ethereum Foundation is reportedly facing a probe by a regulator.

  • Ethereum

    18/03/2024 Data Debrief

    ETH Lags Post-Upgrade

    Bitcoin saw significant volatility over the week, breaking another all-time high before losing most of its gains and closing the week down. In other news, Coinbase is planning a $1bn bond sale, Grayscale filed to launch a low fee GBTC spinoff and U.S. inflation came in hotter than expected.

  • Bitcoin

    11/03/2024 Data Debrief

    Bitcoin Can't Stop Climbing

    This morning, BTC hit a new all time high of $72.2k, just days after hitting a previous high. ETH also crossed $4k for the first time since 2021. In other news, PayPal launched zero-fee remittances for PYUSD users, bankrupt crypto lender BlockFi settled with the FTX & Alameda estates, and the U.S. SEC delayed BlackRock and Fidelity’s applications for spot ETH ETFs.

  • Bitcoin

    04/03/2024 Data Debrief

    What is Bitcoin's All Time High?

    Bitcoin gained more than $13k last week as ETF inflows soared, with BlackRock’s IBIT ETF hitting $10bn in AUM. Meanwhile, a U.S. court ruled that secondary sales of some crypto assets are securities and Binance faces a probe in Nigeria.