Bitcoin's Path to Sustainability

Riyad Carey is a Research Analyst at Kaiko and covers DeFi, lending and borrowing, and regulation. He can be contacted at
06/07/2023 Deep Dive
Is stETH Liquid Enough?This week we examine stETH’s liquidity and leverage in light of its increasing usage on DeFi protocols.
Written by Riyad CareyLending
22/06/2023 Deep Dive
CRV, Aave, and the Art of LiquidationThis week we use lending and borrowing data to explore an extremely large position that raised some red flags last week.
Written by Riyad CareyBinance
08/06/2023 Deep Dive
The Data Behind the SEC's Big WeekThis week we’ll examine volume and liquidity data related to the SEC’s charges against Binance, Binance.US, and Coinbase.
Written by Riyad CareyLiquidity
25/05/2023 Deep Dive
LDO's Shifting Market Structure: Unveiling Market MetricsThis week we are excited to reveal Kaiko’s brand new Asset Metrics product, which aggregates liquidity and volumes for all assets across all exchanges. Using LDO as a case study, we’ll show how this product is a game changer for understanding a crypto asset’s market structure.
Written by Riyad CareyCurve
11/05/2023 Deep Dive
TriCrypto: Curve's Ace in the HoleThis week we examine an upcoming change to Curve that has gone relatively unnoticed: its new TriCrypto pool.
Written by Riyad CareyLending
27/04/2023 Deep Dive
Leveraging LSDs: The Next Era of Lending and BorrowingThis week we’ll cover the evolution of top lending and borrowing protocols, Aave and Compound, as they battle for market share.
Written by Riyad CareyCEX
13/04/2023 Deep Dive
Lifting the Veil on Centralized ExchangesThis week we present a case study exploring how centralized exchange data can be used for powerful analysis, despite its anonymity.
Written by Riyad CareyBinance
30/03/2023 Deep Dive
CFTC v. Binance: The Data Behind the SuitThe centralized exchange space has experienced two major shocks in the past two weeks, first with Binance ending zero-fee trading for most BTC pairs, then with the CFTC alleging Binance has violated U.S. federal laws.
Written by Riyad Carey