Bitcoin's Path to Sustainability

Riyad Carey is a Research Analyst at Kaiko and covers DeFi, lending and borrowing, and regulation. He can be contacted at
19/10/2023 Deep Dive
Understanding Centralized Exchange Liquidity DataThis week we take a step back to explain some fundamental concepts around Kaiko’s liquidity data.
Written by Riyad CareyCEX
12/10/2023 Deep Dive
What's Happening at Huobi?Detailing unusual activity on HTX, beginning by exploring the exchange’s relationship with Poloniex, then moving to trading volumes, its USDT-USDC pair, and transactions with Binance.
Written by Riyad CareyLiquidity
28/09/2023 Deep Dive
Q3 Token Liquidity RankingsWe’re back with another edition of Kaiko Research’s quarterly liquidity ranking, this time enhanced with more metrics and expanded to the top 40 tokens. As mentioned in previous rankings, it’s our contention that market capitalization is a flawed metric, and a ranking of liquidity is more representative of a token’s true value. Let’s see how the tokens fared this quarter before breaking down the components that went into the ranking.
Written by Riyad CareyDEX
14/09/2023 Deep Dive
Beneath the Surface of Uniswap Pools: Just-in-Time Liquidity RevisitedThis week we take another look at just–in–time liquidity, a little-studied phenomenon that has generated $750bn in liquidity event volume on Uniswap V3 this year.
Written by Riyad CareyStablecoin
31/08/2023 Deep Dive
Defining Depegs: A New Metric for Stablecoin StabilityThis week we present a novel method for measuring the severity of stablecoin depegs.
Written by Riyad CareyCEX
18/08/2023 Deep Dive
Where Has the Volatility Gone?This week we recap a slow summer, examining volatility, liquidity, and volumes.
Written by Riyad CareyCurve
03/08/2023 Deep Dive
Loans, Buy Walls, and OTC Deals: The Curve Finance ExploitCurve Finance is back as the center of attention in DeFi just a few weeks after CEO Michael Egorov’s large CRV-backed loans drew scrutiny. This time, however, the inciting incident was an exploit.
Written by Riyad CareyCEX
27/07/2023 Deep Dive
Breaking Down Worldcoin's LaunchWorldcoin’s launch was one of the most unique and controversial in recent years. Much of the controversy stems from the understandable skittishness with Worldcoin’s goal (creating a global identity network) and sci-fi-like methods of achieving this goal (eyeball scans). This has been nicely summarized by the MIT Technology Review here. I’ll instead focus on why this launch was unique by analyzing tokenomics, trading, and liquidity.
Written by Riyad Carey